Monday, September 15, 2008

Reflection Unknown

This shot was taken at Sloss Furnace down town. I'm not sure what its original purpose served, but I really liked how the pipes were reflected in the water. I edited the photo using photo shop in the LAB mode, which really brought out the colors in my shot. I used smart sharpen in order to bring out the detail in the rusty pipes. After I used the LAB mode, the colors in the shot were very blown out, so I used a hue and saturation adjustment layer in order to tone them down, but still maintain the color contrast that I desired from this shot. Over all I am proud of this photo and hope you enjoy it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Moss Rock

I am not a fan of this image, but i'm posting it any way. feel free to criticize its terribleness.

Kitchen Sink

I took this photo of the drain in my kitchen sink. This was part of my circles project in photography. I ran a smart sharpen filter over the image and then converted it to black and white.